Crystal Consultations

Not sure which crystal you need? This is where a crystal consultation comes in handy. Either in person, face to face or via a zoom call, we will find the perfect crystal for you based off your specific needs and situations.

Giving you the chance to be 1-1 with the crystals, so that you can feel which crystal is right for you. You may find that you pick crystals based off how they feel rather than how they look, based off their individual energy. 

Me and you one to one will have a discussion about what you specifically would like your new crystals to assist you with, how you like to use your crystals, where you'd like to use your crystal, and so on. 


Channeled Guidance Readings

Creating a connection between your Higher Self / Guidance and my own, and creating a clear channel to have a message delivered directly from your own higher power. Using a mix of both Oracle and Tarot cards combined with a channelled message.

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